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Round two πŸ₯Š Immunity in the midst of COVID

Casey Holt • April 7, 2020

Good morning and happy Monday!  I hope you all have had continued health, are stocked up on toilet paper, and that you were able to get outside and enjoy that beautiful spring weather!

In this week’s newsletter, we’re continuing our 3 part series on building our immunity in the midst of COVID-19 season.  Last week, we covered some very helpful herbs (click here to review the benefits of ginger, echinacea, and elderberry

This week, we are talking some very important whole food sources you may not have on your grocery list that can keep your immunity on it’s A-game.  Without further ado, this weeks top 3:  bell peppers, oysters, and dark chocolate.

Bell peppers:  As you probably already know, Vitamin C can be crucial for a healthy immune system.  It is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body to protect our cells from damage keeping us healthy.  The first thing that usually comes to mind when talking Vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges and kiwi.  But did you know that 1 cup of chopped red bell pepper contains 3X more vitamin C than an orange?  An added plus of bell peppers is that they contain far less sugar than fruit, plus can be friendlier on the budget.  These are a great add to the diet and can be enjoyed with almost any dish!

Oysters:  Yes, oysters.  This may be the oddball of the group, but I promise you this will likely not be sold out in the grocery stores right now.  Oysters contain an abundance of nutrients like Vitamin B12, selenium, iron, Vitamin D, Omega 3’s, and in particular… zinc.  A single 3.5 ounce serving of oysters contains 600% of the recommended daily allowance of zinc.  Zinc is a mineral that plays a vital role in our immune health, Zinc is crucial for normal development and function of cells mediating innate immunity, neutrophils, and Natural Killer cells that can help fight off things like virus and infection. 

Dark Chocolate:  Alright, time for dessert.  Dark chocolate is loaded in flavanols, compounds commonly found in fruits and vegetables.  Theobromine, one of the compounds seen in dark chocolate, is a powerful antioxidant that once again fights free radicals keeping our cells functioning at their best.  Dark Chocolate has also been seen to help reduce risk of heart disease and blood pressure levels!  Obviously, enjoy this one in moderation as it is high in calories and saturated fats.  Bon Appetit!

Stay tuned for next week as we discuss 3 lifestyle habits that can play important roles in immune health.  And as a reminder, we are still open and here to serve you.  Happy quarantine-ing!

Stay active, stay healthy, stay positive.

Best regards,

Dr. Casey Holt

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